Message: I love your website -- what a lovely project! I am looking for fair trade kippot that are the large bukharain style. They have sides, and they don't fall off my students' heads so much. Any ideas?
Hi Pamela,
Thank you for contacting me. So far I have not come across any "eco-friendly" Bucharian kippot per se. However, if you know that Bucharian is the style you want I suggest buying raw cotton and silk kippot that are made in Israel.
A few companies worth exploring (just type Bucharian in the search box) are:
AJudaica = good selection starting at $7.50 = carry kippot by the artist Yair Emanual - probably more expensive than you were hoping but would make a nice bar mitzvah gift idea for readers.
All Judaica = A nice selection all made in Israel but a bit pricers than aJudaica.
I hope these help. If anyone out there has more ideas please add your comments below.
For non-Bucharian eco-kippot click here.